Although everything on this site pertains to designs by Dick Bear, this section differs from those that feature bacpac
, LugFasts
and the Tire Change Kiosk (TCK) in that those sections relate to specific proprietary production products offered by MarketPoint Productions, Inc.
Under the DICK BEAR DESIGN heading are examples of various one-off prototype designs, proposal/presentation illustrations and scale models in addition to incidental pieces that will stimulate thoughts toward how MarketPoint Productions' design expertise and fabrication abilities can be of importance and service to you.
Basic to all design considerations at MarketPoint Productions is the understanding that form follows function. We recognize that the operator, event guests, sponsors and consumers each have different perspectives on what is important and we design each of our products with this understanding in mind. As a result, our creations are functional and achievable, reliable and relative to the expressed purpose for which they will be used.
Our goal is to create products that are aesthetically and mechanically differentiated from all other products in a particular category.